My Feng Shui Advantage

Kathryn Wilking Feng Shui Designs
practical solutions for stress-free living

Life is too short for constant conflicts!

Why not have more time living and working with people that can harmonize with you? Would you like more financial freedom creating a business style that perfectly fits your personality? Is it possible to find and keep, a work-life balance?

Kathrine can get your space working for YOU!

Kathryn Wilking: Author, Decorator, Feng Shui Coach, Consultant, Podcast Host.

Kathryn called in her first Feng Shui Consultant in 1998 to help set up her new home and blended family. Fascinated how well this topic fit in with her Decorating and Staging clients, she was hooked! Just shifting a few simple, practical things in the home and garden shifted the energy to cultivate a warm, positive vibe where everyone could thrive.

Since 2012, she’s working exclusively as a Feng Shui Coach helping home owners and businesses take charge of their space and learn to thrive, not just survive! Feng Shui is easy, practical and it works; creating function & flow, boost productivity and find the work-life balance.

Look for her to create a better world for the future! She’s available for Site Visits, Video Consultations, Private Booster Sessions, Podcasts and loves to share tips on Facebook and on her NEW Podcast Feng Shui Your Day!


And did I say there’s two ways to pay? Check out the links!

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